Hurray, two of my favourite things in one coming up, join the online talk 🙂  ***Bring pen and paper on 22nd Nov, 5 pm UK time…*** ***invite – join here, free attendance*** Oh, the joy, some of my favourite things coming together in a free event. Do you wonder what they are? expats joining help the sleepless So, internations is, as

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So, today we had a blast at #WeWork Station Road in Cambridge. The topic:Sleeplessness – is it as much of an enigma as we think? Research and a practical approach to sleeplessness. What an amazing bunch. The Q&As are always so enlightening. To some, sleep feels like they are skipping Non-REM sleep altogether. As always, the amazement at

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Full steam ahead for this movement. Helping you navigate the healthcare system is everything and there is so much ahead. March 2020 – A Feature in Mad World All hands on deck. Click here to view Mad World featuring me. Mad World is a platform dedicated to companies in the pole position with respect to Mental Health

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