


How it works

Use the questionnaire to start

First stop, questionnaire time, download it. Focus on the items that matter.  


Your next conversation with your healthcare professional will be easier. It is not unusual for GPs to look up new stuff during the consultation because of what you will present to them. 

Agree on a plan

Discuss a plan and next steps . 

© 2022, Birgit Buenger Ltd.

Private session

Full focus on you 

Dear reader, I can't pick up individual sessions right now. Shall you need urgent services please send me a message. 

[email protected] 

Talks & Articles & Corporate work

Let's tailor your approach by surveying your staff and creating the right sleep program. 

Click  here for corporate instructions. 

Please get in touch for quotes and planning. I look forward to hear from you.

[email protected]