Hot off the press. Your Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special is ready. 

Countering the question: are my physicians to handle all of "me"? It sometimes feels like a jungle out there, doesn't it. 

What Sleep Wants

In general, let's pretend you have a team a specialists lined up to look at your case. That's What Sleep Wants is all about. 

Down with rubber stamp diagnoses and treatment. Up with guiding research on what's possible for you. Once you get your hands on my work, diagnosis and treatment options will be so much easier to agree upon with your physician.

Seen here: 



Let's get the helmets ready, shall we.
In other words, let's simulate a huddle situation for you: 
Helmets, several sleep-certified specialists and off you go ;) 
Seriously, though, did you know that the medical community keeps telling us that's exactly what's required in many sleep disorder scenarios.
That's what Sleep Wants is all about. Prepping you, and your physician in the process with what specialists would tell you.  

What Sleep Wants' Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special just came out to do exactly that.  

Next stop insomnia and all other disorders.

WHat Sleep waNTS - Say what?

News ticker: 

The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special is ready for download.

A great holistic event that has a lot do with sleep but almost opposite to what I usually do!

What Sleep Wants in a nutshell: 

For 1:1s, supporting the editing What Sleep Wants, the book and press, interview and license requests or speaking engagements.

licences, Talks, interviews, press, corporate events

Support What Sleep Wants

  • Fund the prep work for the book to get published 
  • Get an individual session if your conitribution exceeds £150.00

1:1 - currently not AVAILABLE 

  • Fill out the questionnaire
  • Spend 60 minutes reviewing and filling in the gaps(zoom)
  • Get a written summary prep document with next steps and instructions for your healthcare professional 
  • Present a one-pager written for you to your physician

"What exactly could be my situation regarding sleep?" 

First of all, some of you are struggling to figure out how nighttime happenings could inform daytime coping. That's what What Sleep Wants is her for. 

"It's a jungle out there, I don't think my GP or specialist is equipped for  me"

Well, now both you and your GP are equipped. Check out the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special. It does not, as What Sleep Wants will for for other sleep disorders, equip you to get to a diagnosis with your physician. It does guide you through testing though, how to  determine what plays into your case and what the treatment options and success rates are.

"What's your product product portfolio?"

"But Birgit, what are your credentials?"

Well, let's use Tereza Coraggio's famous words. I don't offer market credentials by which you can judge the value of my work. Check out my work and judge for yourself. Researching sleep since 2010, I have used medical platforms such as osmosis and lecturio to understand the human body and put my research in context. I certainly already have provided value to the London Somnex Sleep Show, countless articles, X interview contributions, and last but least regularly contributing on BBC radio in the UK. Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, Sleep Medicine Pearl, the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (American Academy of Sleep Medicine) were the starting point for the basics, only to fan out as much as possible with what is not being properly covered by either. For instance, the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special shows an outline based on the excellent work of a few researchers who looked at hormones in the context of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Some of the questions they looked into were potential explanations of deficiencies or excessive production certain hormones, and what conclusions to draw. While all of this gets explained to readers high level, the Obstructive Sleep Apnea special includes an "at a glance" overview they need to understand what tests may need to be considered and why.


Since my move to the UK, I had not realised I had been eating  wrong. Too much bread and the likes. Thanks to your help I no longer sweat, toss and turn at night. Thank you.

Ace, Birmingham (UK)

Sleep issues started for me in my early teen years only to worsen when I became pregnant in my late 20s. Throughout the years, specialists tried everything from medications, to C-Pap machines to surgery and nothing worked; not a single doctor considered that hormones may be to blame. After my conversation with Birgit, I had my doctor run tests on my hormone levels to find that my cortisol levels were sky-high. After getting my hormones under control, I sleep well night after night.

A., Atlanta (USA)

My doctor got interested in what Birgit suggested to look into. She started treating my hormonal issues. My sleep apnea has definitely improved.

S., London (UK)

© 2024, Birgit Buenger Ltd.